NEONEX considers Smart Factory to be the best possible combination of people, processes and IT technology. In his speech Dr. Peter Stephan will be talking about the way, how to get establishing of IT Infrastructure for operations supply chain right.
Key topics to be covered in the keynote:
IT Health Check and its importance
MES selection process
IIoT platform setup
Speaker(s) / Trainer(s) / Coach(es)

Dr. Peter Stephan
Senior Partner & Co-Founder

PhD in Contextadaptive Automation, Mechanical Engineering (Dipl.-Ing.)
Realization of Industrie 4.0 strategy and use-cases within logistics, production planning, maintenance and asset management
Leading of international Industrie 4.0 consulting projects in mechanical engineering, electronic and communication and defense industry
Development of digital product features and aligned business models focusing Smart Factory and Smart Products
Dept. Head R&D Field of “Cyber-Physical-Systems”, WITTENSTEIN SE
Team Leader “Information Management”, German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)