... Position yourself as an international Smart Manufacturing expert
... Take advantage of live networking and company branding options
... Save time and money by joining the live event from wherever you are
... Get in touch now:

Smart Factory Transformation
Success Stories from implementing companies and service providers
30-40' keynote

Market Intelligence
Expertise on the current state of the Smart Factory market
30-40' keynote

Leadership 4.0
Leadership approaches and soft skills essential for Digital Transformation
30-40' keynote

Inspiration / Vision
Theories, visions and eye-opening initiatives from related fields
15-20' talk

Tech Dive
Cutting-edge implemented solutions from the fields of CPPS, AR/VR, Man-Machine Collaboration, AI, and Blockchain for industrial application
30-40' keynote
Facts & figures
+ 1400 Participants
Smart manufacturing experts from all over the world
10 speakers
from Germany, China, Mexico, Brazil, the US (and elsewhere?)
15-40 minutes
The length of a keynote dependant on the format. Recorded beforehand.
Played "as live" during the conference.
Live Q&A via chat.
A factory video showing insights on your factory can be organised by the NEXCON team.
to download
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Why virtual? Why NEXCON?

Andreas Schick, Schaeffler

Achim Schneider, R3DT

Prakash John, Daimler

Andreas Schick, Schaeffler
Expert positioning
Position yourself as an international Smart Factory expert.
International attendants
Present your company and
products to participants from
DACH countries, China, America and all over the world.
B2B meeting point
Spread your network and
meet global players and smart new-comers.
Cost and time savings
Save time and money - yet meet a global audience in the field of i4.0. Join the live event from wherever you are. Stay Co2 neutral.
Company branding
Position your company or institution as a pioneer at an innovative conference.
Environmental Protection
Help conserve the environment as a digital event has a much lower carbon footprint than physical events.